Sacred Containers and Co-Writing With the Divine

On the new moon in September, I pulled a card — Green Tara, that signified “Delegate.” I thought that “delegate” meant to literally have more people help me with stuff, so I hired help to fix some backend SEO stuff. So I should have been done right? Thanks, card, I listened. 

Then a few weeks later, I kept pulling the same card. I pulled it from another deck — again, Green Tara, and the description on this was salvation. 

What does this all mean? Confused about it, I decided to put it to the back of my mind. It’ll become clear when the time is right. 

It took me traveling to Boston to meet a mastermind sister and client in-person to have the A-Ha I needed to connect all the dots. 

I told her about the cards and showed her the pictures I snapped from a month earlier. 

The next morning, we were sitting at Starbucks in Boston. She was finalizing her sales page for her first-ever course launch and I was doing a final copy review — line by line inside the live version. This is an essential step — where I’ll find little typos and even make new word choices once seeing it all together on the page. 

I popped open my notebook, and I had been using the Green Tara card as a bookmark for the past few weeks to serve as a reminder for my unconscious mind to keep looking for what the message was for me here. 

My friend Maryska looked at it and instantly knew.

Without missing a beat, “That card isn’t about delegating to a person. It’s about delegating to the divine.”

Holy shit. 

I had goosebumps when she said it, and I have goosebumps running down the right side of my body from the top of my head, down my neck and shoulder as I write this to you now. 

She was spot on. 

I made several instant connections…

  • It’s not about controlling

  • Let go of the outcome

  • Put it on the universe’s to-do list first

  • Trust that everything is working out for you

And in that moment, when I connected the idea that I’m delegating to the divine, I realized that it’s about my writing and coaching. 

It took me years to embrace the idea that I use my intuition in my work. And as I rely on it, and look to it more and more, I know without a doubt that I’m on the right track.

When I’m in a writing marathon, or on a one-on-one call with a copy coaching client, I ask lots of questions. It’s often to hear them talk stuff out. They’re usually external processors. 

Here’s what I notice;

  • The language they use to describe what they’re trying to say

  • The shift in their tone of voice as they explain

  • Their body language when something is leading them on the right track or down a path of someone else’s “should’s”

  • Their comfort, discomfort, or when they seem to light up when talking about something

I’m using all of my senses to coach them. They’ll often say something seemingly unimportant and I get those goosebumps. That’s when I know that there’s something deeper in there to dig into. 

I also know that it’s not me when this happens — it’s energy working through me. 

The other thing that Unfussy Writers tell me all the time after a cowriting session is that they got sooooo much done. They often say it’s “magic” — but now I know what it is. 

It’s co-writing with the divine. 

Sure, you can call it magic or whatever you want. All I know is that I’m holding the space with several other business owners, we come together, and there’s something in the energetics of the space where the magic happens. 

  • Is the divine taking over?

  • Is my energy translating through space and time and it’s supporting them?

  • Are our guides and ancestors meeting all around us, supporting the energy to help the words flow? Or whatever needs to flow, flow. 

Maybe it’s all of the above. It’s likely even more.

Just the other day after a chat with a friend, she emailed me back to say, “something clicked after we talked last week and I feel some major clarity on content.”

And, in a later message, it reaffirmed my inner knowing,

“Just who you ARE and what you offer put me in that place where it was able to click. Absolutely part of your magic! Grateful to have a little of your magic sparkles come my way.”

I am tremendously grateful to those who share what they see after our interactions. It’s clear signals like this that let me know I’m on the right track for me.

And really, this work of intuitive writing and coaching has been hard to articulate all this time. But until I talk it out with others who are also tuned into their intuitive guidance, does it wash over me like a wave. 

The knowing completely washed over me and I knew in my bones that this delegation to the divine is precisely what’s happening when I gather with the community, set the intention, and begin to write.

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Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.

Part 6 (of 6) the World Needs Your Words


The Intuitive Way to Plan During Preptober (for NaNoWriMo)