COVID-19 Entrepreneur Communications Swipe Copy — unfussy take + tweak messages


Unfussy Crisis Communications Swipe Copy for COVID-19

Use these templates to communicate with your clients during times of uncertainty, and crisis around COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Before becoming a writer and writing coach for business owners, I spent 13 years in the corporate world writing and editing communications such as;

  • Key communications for US Federal and State government

  • Crisis communicating for BlackBerry when key services would go down

  • Communicating events like layoffs, restructuring, healthcare crisis, system changes and more for large corporations

Rules of communicating during a crisis: 

  1. Communicate early and often — communicate more than you think you need 

  2. Use more than just one communication tool — email, phone, text, social media — use your tools!

  3. Be clear — leave your reader feeling like you’re looking after them

  4. Be human — for fork’s sake please be human and be kind. This may mean you’ll waive your cancelation fees.

  5. Communicate the way you want to be communicated to — read your message. If it makes you cringe, it’s time to edit.

These templates are to communicate with clients, customers, and your people during any crisis. Please note that I’m not a lawyer nor do I play one on the internet. 

Also, I have to remind you not to use these in place of legal advice or your brain. Please use your noggin, read all contracts (including before you sign them), and contact a licensed attorney if you need to.

How to use these templates: 

Cut, paste, and personalize to make them your own. Please give them a proofread so you can avoid any facepalm moments of sending a message that’s obviously a template to your client — ouch! 

These templates are to use in a pinch. And, when you have some spare time, which I know you will in the next few weeks, get your emergency plan for your business ready.

Links to business tools I use:

These are the tools I use in my business and also recommend. Some of these may be affiliate links. If you click one of these and sign up, or make a purchase, I may earn a small commission. I’ll be sure to add this to my toilet paper fund, or to buy another Tushy (get $5 off yours) to equip the other toilets in my house.

  1. Zoom - video conferencing, webinars, meetings, recording, group co-writing, co-working and more

  2. Loom - I use the free version to record myself and/or my screen

  3. Voxer - walkie talkie app to use on your phone or on computer

  4. Acuity - easy meeting scheduling that syncs with your calendar. I also use it to set up recurring payments

  5. Google Hangouts - meet on video, chat app

  6. Google Docs - share documents, comment, edit, organize all in one place

Here’s a list of the key crisis messages you’ll find here:

  1. Proactive Email to Clients

  2. Out of office reply

  3. Calendar Updates - Community & Group Meetings

  4. Calendar Updates - 1:1 Meetings

  5. When clients are looking for guidance regarding canceling or rescheduling

  6. When a client needs to cancel

  7. When you’re declining an in-person meeting

1. Proactive Email to Clients

Use this email to personalize and send to your current clients. If you have too many clients to send a custom one, go ahead and remove the NAME. 

And for the love of all things, if you’re sending a mass email to all your contacts, customers, or clients, protect their privacy and their inbox by populating their email address in the BCC line. There’s nothing worse than finding out as a client who all your other clients are — perhaps the resulting dreaded “Reply All” if you forget and include everyone on the To line.

Subject: COVID-19 Update: You + Me


I’m sending this email to keep you in the loop of what’s happening behind the scenes here with COVID-19. [Personal update with your situation].

[I’m also beyond grateful that I can work wherever this laptop lets me and am prepared to continue serving you as normal. We have plenty of groceries, more on the way, and plenty of toilet paper. I hope your situation is also one of enoughness and wellness.]

That said, I’ve also planned some just-in-case measures we can take in our work together as the situation evolves.

  • If you’re impacted by COVID-19 and can’t make a call, or turnaround any copy reviews, or provide me with what I need, we’ll reschedule — no question. Your health and that of your people are most important to me, and I understand that the situation changes day-by-day, state-to-state- and country-by-country.

  • With Zoom being our go-to video conferencing software, you’ll see that I’ve updated our meeting entries with back-ups in case these tools are maxed out — this may be Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Live, or old-school mobile phone

  • If I’m impacted by COVID-19 I’ll set up my out-of-office responses and notify you as soon as possible if I need to reschedule your meeting or adjust our deadlines. I’m working on designating some back-up contacts to help you with your last-minute writing needs. These writers are wonderful people who I know personally. You’ll find their information listed in my out of office message if needed.

As always, I’m here to support you in making progress individually and in your business. 

You are welcome to email or call me if you have any questions. And, if you need any help writing and editing COVID-19 messaging for your business, let me know and I’ll help you with this, completely free.

Sending you big love, health, and calm in this strange time. We’re in this together.

Cheers and big love to you,

[you] xo

2. Out of office reply

Have this out of office reply ready to go, so that if you need it, you can turn it on. Also, designate instructions for a back-up or loved one. This would be a part of a comprehensive emergency plan, which you will create in all your spare time.

Use this one if you or someone in your family is sick and you’re not going to be answering emails any time soon.

Hi and thanks for your note, 

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit close to home and I’m going to be offline looking after my health [my family].

To help you further with our project, here are two contacts who are prepared to step in and continue our work together. They will need access to files, which you’ll be able to share. 

 [contact name and details]

 [contact name and details]

You can also contact my [partner, spouse, friend, kid, parent] - [contact name and details]

I welcome your love/thoughts/prayers, 


3. Calendar Updates - Community & Group Meetings

Use this email if you run large group meetings. This example uses Zoom as the main tool for video meetings. 

Plan A is to use Zoom for this meeting inside our usual Zoom room - [link]

If Zoom isn’t working, here’s what will happen: 

  • Look for a post from me in the Facebook community letting you know Zoom isn’t working

  • I’ll go live in the Facebook group [link] and answer questions there. There, you can share [questions, comments, etc.]

  • You can also Vox me your questions here - [voxer link]

  • Email me here - [email address]

4. Calendar Updates - 1:1 Meetings

Plan A is to use the Zoom link for this meeting.

If Zoom isn’t working, here’s what will happen, in order: 

  • I’ll create a Google Hangout and email you the link to join

  • If that doesn’t work, we can meet on Facebook

    • Simply login to the website on your computer and I’ll start a video call

  • You can also Vox me your questions here  - [voxer link]

  • Email me here - [email address]

5. When clients are looking for guidance regarding canceling or rescheduling

Use this email if clients email you with questions about your in-person or virtual event or meeting.


Thanks for your note. I’m glad you’re asking about this. 

As of right now, our event is far enough away that we’re continuing with planning. Of course, please follow any travel directions based on your country or region. If you need to cancel or reschedule, I understand. 

I’m staying up to date on the latest information from the CDC, the WHO, and local authorities. I’m doing my part with social distancing, keeping meetings online, and washing my hands like I just chopped jalapenos for guacamole. 

I will continue to be in touch about [event name] with updates [frequency of updates] and case we need to cancel, you’ll hear from me by [date].

If I can support you in any way, please reply and let me know.

Thanks for your patience!



6. When a client needs to cancel

Use this email if clients email you and ask to cancel. Please #behuman as much as you possibly can. And keep in mind, I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on the internet. Do what’s best for you, your people, and your business.


Thanks for your note. I understand [what they told you, reflect back their words, and include specific notes of concern and goodwill for their situation.]

Thanks for asking about canceling/rescheduling and next steps.

Here are your next steps:

Step 1: Click here to choose a new date and time

Step 2: You’ll get an email with the new date

I’ll check in with you at least [timeframe] before our meeting/event. If any other concerns come up, please reach out.

Here’s to staying healthy and safe, 


7. When you’re declining an in-person meeting

If there are some people in your world who are forging ahead with all their in-person events, and you don’t want to go, you don’t have to. 


How are you doing these days? [Update on your situation if appropriate].

I’m reaching out today because of [event/meeting name]. 

Following the guidance of the CDC, WHO, and my local authorities, I’m going to hunker down and keep my germs to myself. I’m feeling fine, but don’t want to unknowingly spread to anyone, you know?

I’ll be working from home for the next [time frame]. And, I’ll be hosting all my meetings online. Look for meeting updates from me in the coming days. 

If you have any questions or want to chat further, reply to this message, or we’ll hop on a call. 

Here’s to all of us staying healthy and safe,


If you need help with COVID-19 communications:

As a reader here, I’m happy to help you as much as my availability allows. Email me at with your question, communication need, or sticky situation and I’ll reply and help you out as soon as I can.

Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, copywriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creatives move past writer’s block and perfectionism so they can finish their important work, and she supports business owners in finding their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a freelance copywriter and coach, she’s helped hundreds of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.

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